BOOK FOUR: CHAPTER 25 – Settling In

CHAPTER 25 – Settling In


After a bite of breakfast, Raphael, Commander Monteras, and their escort of Eagles, the Montoya brothers, made their way to the former office of Lord Aeolus. There, they were greeted by Captain Fernando and several of his primary officers, as well as Lord Pietro and a stranger, whom Raphael guessed was retired Commander Charles Mantos. It was quite a crowd, so Raphael asked Lord Pietro if there was a conference room nearby.

Pietro looked confused for a moment and then remembered a seldom-used room that held a large table and several chairs that would serve the purpose. He explained, “Lord Aeolus usually left council meetings and such up to his brother. This room hasn’t been used for years, even decades. I’ll see that it gets properly set up after today.”

Raphael looked around – the room appeared serviceable for their present needs so he replied, “We can manage with this, I think… Gentlemen, please find a seat and get comfortable. There is much to discuss this morning. First, however, Commander Monteras advised me that there may be a report waiting from the mothership, The Green Dragon. Their line communications team was asked to prepare a survey of the city and planet, in response to the confrontation I experienced outside the palace in the city square yesterday. So, let me fetch that report if it is ready – I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Charles Mantos commented, “I can see that our new leader is in desperate need of a secretary. This sort of thing should have been taken care of for him in preparation for this scheduled meeting, my lord Pietro. Even Head Commanders have clerks to assist them in their work. Well, if he is willing to accept my help, I’ll make sure things get done!”

Lord Pietro looked rather uncomfortable, realizing that his shortcomings as an administrator were being highlighted. Still, it didn’t take long for Lord Raphael to make a reappearance, with a report in hand. He announced, “I have a report here; it did arrive and was printed out during the night. Now, Captain Fernando – I suspect you have something to report to us first?”

Captain Fernando stood and gave Raphael a military bow, “Yes, my lord. As you suggested, I had a patrol sent out to arrest the men who were apparently involved in plotting the confrontation yesterday. We had located their hiding place and came upon the group as they appeared to be plotting more schemes. The men were surprised and put-up considerable resistance when told they were being arrested. Our men were able to bring the suspects under control and had them escorted through the city and placed in our prison overnight. Previously, you advised me that the men should be scanned for implants or to determine their motivation in setting up yesterday’s confrontation. We now await the scanning to be done by local priestesses with the assistance of a Shay healer, and perhaps yourself. The scans will be done either today or tomorrow, depending on what is presented in the report from the Green Dragon mothership.”

Raphael nodded and thanked Captain Fernando for his men’s prompt response to the incident. He said, “I would like the palace guards and the city guards to work together. I also expect to have palace guards stationed throughout the building at night, including two at the bottom of the stairs to the wing where my family and I are living, and one or two stationed at the office of Lord Aeolus – which will be my office for the time being. This is a huge building and feels rather empty at night, especially since few people have their residences here. I have a limited number of Eagles with me and would prefer to utilize local resources whenever possible. I also request that you, Captain Fernando, and your primary officers work with Commander Monteras in scheduling patrols and sentries, as well as coordinating workloads. Monteras has been in charge of my personal security for decades and has vast experience in terms of covert operations performed for the Fleet’s high command. Officially, Commander Monteras is here as the military aide to Lord Adrigus, acting as a contact person for the Lord of Alyona Castle, and an intermediary for me in my current commission as a Head Commander. I do have resources, gentlemen, in case your local teams are not prepared to handle any civil unrest that might occur due to the recent loss of your long-time spiritual leader and my assumption of the Regency.”

“I realize that this change of leadership was rather sudden, driven by Lord Aeolus’ rapidly failing health. My elder cousin had miscalculated the rapidity of his own demise and hence was unable to plan accordingly for a smoother transition of power. Lord Da’vid has made it clear that he had no intention of assuming the role as spiritual leader in the absence of Lord Aeolus, so I was called upon to take up that role. I will advise you that while I do not have any training as a priest, I do have strong psychic powers which I do occasionally utilize during my regular duties. I have already connected with the elemental kingdoms of this world, and they are ready and willing to assist me in the governance of this Planet. Upon being anointed by the Shekinah, Lady Amethyst, in the Shemont, I was informed telepathically by the Oversoul of Lord Aeolus himself that He would overlight my work here on Airus. This is a new and rather unusual assignment for me, gentlemen, so allow me some time to adjust to the new demands of the office.”

“Now, Lord Pietro, you have someone you wish to introduce to me today?”

Momentarily startled in being addressed, Pietro finally replied, “Yes, my lord; seated next to me is retired Commander Charles Mantos, resident of Ostta, native son of Maia. When he heard that you were slated to be the regent for our world, he volunteered to serve you in whatever capacity you required, namely as a personal assistant.”

Raphael surveyed the retired commander, noting the erect posture, well-developed physical form, and alert expression in the man’s eyes… He nodded in the direction of this new person as he took in the neat appearance, shoulder-length white blonde hair, light blue eyes, and slender frame of the Maian commander. He said, “Thank you, Master Mantos. We can have a private chat after this meeting so we can become better acquainted. I don’t want to take up too much time for these other gentlemen with such matters. I am interested in hearing a bit about your background in the Fleet, but we will save that for later. Now, gentlemen, I will temporarily hand the meeting over to Commander Monteras, who will give some suggestions as to how to reorganize your patrols and sentries and how to enhance cooperation between city and palace guards. Meanwhile, I am going to give this report a brief read and see what the line communication officers produced overnight. Commander Monteras?”

The men began to discuss the reassignment issue while Raphael perused the report in his hand. He quickly scanned the document for the pertinent information he was seeking, namely verification that there was, indeed, implanted individuals present on the planet, especially located in the environs of Ostta itself, as well as a few outlying country estates. It could not be immediately determined (overnight) whether or not the individuals concerned were associated in the past with Lord Michael Kadish or whether they had been contacted by other enemy agents and had acted on their own volition. Still, the simple fact that there were implanted men present was enough to get Raphael’s attention… and for him to bring it to the attention of the officers who were present.

Raphael waited until Commander Monteras had finished answering a question and interrupted, “Excuse me, gentlemen; I’ve had time to quickly survey the report here from the Green Dragon. It verifies what I sensed yesterday – that there are several implanted individuals located within the city as well as in some of the outlying country estates. Now, please determine, Captain Fernando, whether or not you have sufficient men and prison facilities to handle such a quantity – say 25 individuals – as I can request a couple of squads of warriors from the Green Dragon to assist in any required round-up and handling of these suspects. This sort of thing must be done carefully as any of your men who handles the implanted individuals can be tagged and will be required to undergo an examination from priestesses and/or a Shay to determine whether or not they have also been implanted during the course of any confrontation. For example, the men involved in gathering up the 15 individuals captured yesterday will also have to undergo an examination as soon as can be managed. So, Lord Pietro, I hope you have notified Lady Abbagail that her assistance will be required today or tomorrow so these exams can be done in a timely fashion.”

“The High Priestess, Lady Abbagail, has been notified, my lord. She said she would be arriving here at the palace mid-morning, about two hours from now, with some of her ladies,” replied Lord Pietro patiently. 

Excellent! Now, gentlemen, I will let you and Commander Monteras continue on with your meeting while I interview Master Mantos in my office. Please excuse us, will you?” replied Raphael as he stood up. He signed Monteras to continue on with the meeting. “Lord Pietro, do you wish to come?”

“No, I’ll listen to the meeting here, my lord,” came the reply.

So, Raphael and his potential assistant, Charles Mantos, walked to the nearby office and sat down. Raphael then turned to the retired commander and asked, “What initially compelled you to want to volunteer to work as an assistant with me, Master Mantos?”

While the man was slender in build and shorter than Raphael, he still had a presence – as you would have to possess a certain air of confidence to be a Head Commander. He stared back and then cracked a smile. “Well, my lord, I wanted to meet the master tactician behind the plans for the last battle. Beyond that, I had worked as a Head Commander for two decades and was commanding my own ship when she was subjected to a barrage from a larger vessel during the battle over Serana. We barely made it out of there alive, my lord. I received the injury that forced me to retire from the Fleet. Still, had it not been for your amazing and bold plans, I doubt if many of our men would have survived. The enemy fleets were rather overwhelming to see, my lord. So, I wanted to thank you in person, sir.”

Raphael grinned back, but then he got serious, and replied, “All right, Mantos; you’ve met me. I’m human. Now, I need someone who is willing to do detail work, make appointments, schedule meetings, take notes, perform correspondence, coordinate assignments for other office staff (I intend to hire more people) and whatever else needs taking care of around here. For instance, I have noticed a total disconnect exists between the current bureaucracy and the guards. Captain Fernando was not informed of the change-over in leadership on the day that Lord Aeolus passed even though five lords were present for the event. Not having been officially proclaimed regent, I did not have the authority to see that orders were carried out; nevertheless, I made contact with the Captain as it didn’t appear anyone else was going to. Then, there has not been any guard posted here outside the office. I’m not trying to hide here, so if people want to see me, I want someone present to advise them whether or not I am here and available. Details, Mantos, details. I would also like to meet the palace staff, the kitchen staff, the cleaning staff, and anyone else involved in caring for this huge palace. If they have any issues, I want to hear about them and see that things get sorted so the men are proud and happy to provide their services. As a former head commander, you should know how important morale is for the men, keeping them motivated and focused on their work and having some input into their situation. As a line communications commander, I had the misfortune to suffer under an overbearing 2nd Level commander who did everything he could to make my life a misery. I would not wish that sort of work conditions on anyone, even the man who peels carrots for the evening soup. Now, Lord Da’vid mentioned that you have worked for Lord Pietro and himself for over a year now. Do you have any pertinent observations or suggestions?”

Master Mantos smiled and replied, “My lord, you have just about covered my own pet peeves. I realize that Lord Pietro and Lord Da’vid are in a bit over their heads, at least in terms of keeping things functioning smoothly. Details like the ones you just mentioned get missed pretty much on a daily basis. Unimportant items are given more weight than things that need attending to everyday. For instance, are you going to hold audience in the main chambers at all or hold state dinners? Both these frequent occasions take attention away from the fact that parts of the palace are completely disused. I would imagine you have only seen a small portion of this huge building so far, my lord?”

“Indeed. I have been to the administrative offices, the audience room, the private rooms of Lord Aeolus – which I have been told are now closed to access – this office, a couple of the gardens, and the suites where my party is currently housed. Other than that, I have not generally toured this facility,” replied Raphael. “I asked Lord Pietro whether I could meet the Major Domo or steward in charge of the palace; he gave me a blank look and he claims to have been Lord Aeolus’ secretary.”

“There is not one single individual in charge of overseeing the palace staff, my lord,” replied Mantos with another grin. “I would recommend that such a person be found, hired, and put to work immediately. The court here seems to put an emphasis on appearance rather than substance. We need more staff. As Regent, you will be expected to host state visitors, representatives from the other continents, trade representatives from other worlds such as nearby Serana and far away Morova and Vey. Lord Aeolus wasn’t into performing such duties and Lord Pietro doesn’t seem to know how, even though I know he has attended High Council at Alyona periodically since Lord Michael was… removed.”

“Do you have any suggestions for a such a man… or woman?” asked Raphael. “I have no objections over a woman being assigned to such a role. After all, on Medina, our women run the households. In Medina, the VaCoupe household is managed or overseen by my adopted Uncle and his assistant, but the ladies oversee many of the kitchen and household duties. Another man oversees maintenance on the rooms and any related building projects. We have a large, very active staff and many of our family members participate in the duties on a daily basis. We prefer to work together as a well-oiled machine, you might say… many hands make work light.”

“Well, my lord; I am not sure how Lord Pietro would view his mate, Lady Martina, acting as head housekeeper, but she is one person who notices details. However, I will spare your cousin of such an embarrassment to even suggest her. However, the lady might be a good person from whom to get some suggestions. I suppose your lady would like a personal assistant for herself, to manage the children and the suites. Yes, there are several staff positions that could be created and filled. I will write up a list for you, my lord, and present it to you tomorrow. Are you still considering on holding the council meeting that Lord Pietro mentioned?” queried Mantos.

Raphael wiped his face with one hand and replied, “I will be the first to admit that I am not fond of meetings, but yes… I promised Lord Pietro I would speak to the men that I was introduced to now about a week ago. They were told then that I was the choice to take up the regency while Lord Aeolus in no longer in our presence. This is a challenge, Mantos, which is why I need some real assistance. You seem to be observant and since you are not yourself an Airian, probably won’t get offended by some of my suggestions or ideas? You were fostered here in Ostta?”

“Yes, my lord; I lived with some cousins of my mother who was an Airian. She mated a commander in the Fleet who was from Maia. And when he was killed, I was sent away to be fostered by relatives while my mother remated,” replied Charles Mantos. “I went to school here and later transferred to the Medinian University Ship, but I think it was a little before your time, my lord.”

“Is your mother still living?” asked Raphael, just to see how forthcoming the man would be about his personal life and family.

No, my lord; she passed away two decades ago now. We were not close after my father died,” replied Mantos. “I don’t usually speak about my family, my lord. Even Lord Pietro doesn’t know what I just shared with you, and I would prefer it kept that way.”

“I understand, Master Mantos,” said Raphael. “I had a complex family history of my own, but you don’t need to know those details either. My current mate and two of my youngest children are here with me, along with my physician, Master Mei Li Zang, and my military aide, Commander Monteras, and several Eagles, who act as personal guards for myself, my mate, and children. You may have heard stories about me while you were in the Fleet. Some are true; others are not, but I have had Eagle guards ever since I entered the Fleet as a nineteen-year-old under-qualified cadet.”

The dour Mantos unexpectedly grinned, “Yes, I think everyone has heard of you in the Fleet, my lord. The teenage protégé of the legendary Lord Lyonell, the co-founder of the Alyona Command, aide to your illustrious adopted father; crystal master and builder of golden ships; master tactician behind the last battle, and finally, Regent for your stepson… Yes, my lord, I have heard the stories and am proud to be here talking with you. I would be honored to serve with you, my lord… sir.”

Raphael smiled in turn and replied, “I think we will get along just fine, Commander Mantos. Just how would you like to be addressed?”

“Master Mantos or Charles would be just fine, my lord,” replied the ex-commander. “I am no longer in the Fleet nor am I a lord like yourself, sir.”

“So be it, Master Mantos. Welcome to my team!” Raphael stood up and reached out to shake the hand of his newest staff member. “And now, we should probably rejoin the others and see if the men have made any progress. Would you be willing to take notes today, Mantos?”

“Certainly, my lord – I will just fetch some paper and a pen… or barring finding any, simply memorize the proceedings and make some notes later. I do have excellent recall, my lord,” replied Mantos.

Good – we will get along just fine,” commented a satisfied Raphael.

The next day, Raphael met with the Council of 50 as he referred to them now. They met in the audience room, which was closed off to all other comers, male or female, for security reasons. Raphael introduced his new assistant, Master Mantos, to the men present and said, “If you have questions or issues to discuss with me, contact this gentleman first to set up an appointment. Retired Commander Charles Mantos will be my right-hand man, hopefully, for the duration of my rulership here on Airus. He is a former Head Commander and has experience in battle, has run an entire ship, and is an observant, well-trained individual… and he is not an Airian by birth. Master Mantos was, however, raised in Ostta so he is conversant and familiar with your culture and can give me pointers on how not to offend you gentlemen in the future. Still, be prepared for things to be different for a while. Let me explain further:

“Yesterday I received a security report from the mothership The Green Dragon which is, incidentally, parked in nearby space right now awaiting my orders to send down several warrior squads to round up yet some more enemy agents who were recently picked up on the scans. I have also performed a brief scan and noticed several men who have been quietly planning an uprising designed to take down this government such as it is right now. Some of the men are implanted and therefore can be considered enemy agents. Fortunately, the current captain of the palace guards was alert and sent men to tail the fellow who confronted me in the midst of the city square. They discovered this hidden cabal and were able to discern some of their plans to disrupt things in the next market day. The palace guards worked in concert with the city guards and were able to corral these individuals and after a set-to, managed to bring them into custody. Right now, 15 men, descendants of the men who cooperated with Lord Michael Kadish, are in prison being held pending scans to be done today or tomorrow to determine whether or not they should be immediately executed,” said Raphael in severe tones.

I do not know whether this cabal would have attempted anything earlier while Lord Aeolus was still living. Perhaps, knowing something of my abilities, they chose to push their plans forward, so I had no other choice but to counter those plans if peace was going to be maintained within the city.”

One of the 50 raised his hand and was acknowledged.  He asked, “What of the Command warriors, my lord? What are they going to do? Are we going to have Command troops here in the city, again?”

Raphael replied, “The troops will be allowed into the city only when they have captured any of the enemy agents hiding in the countryside. If the warriors engage the enemy in combat, I will caution anyone who lives in the country estates to remain in their homes and to be on guard. We are attempting to bring order to the city right now. When things are put right at a base level – meaning all citizens are safe to pursue their daily activities – then, it will be time, gentlemen, to work on raising our individual and collective frequencies here and elsewhere across this great world. That means spending time in meditation, prayer, fasting, and being kind to each other, working on personal forgiveness and releasing old outdated beliefs and systems.”

“What was served to the people during the administration of my elder cousin, Lord Michael Kadish, proved to be poisonous for the welfare of the people. The wrongs will be righted. My cousins, Lord Pietro, and Lord Da’vid have been working hard to relieve the suffering of the many families who lost children and had older adults killed. There is much to atone for by members of the Kadish Family for allowing such crimes to occur here. Can you now see the wisdom of having someone who is NOT in the Kadish Family in charge at least temporarily, until this state of affairs can be reversed? Lord Aeolus was responsible for the crimes his brother committed, and he realized it when he found out about what had happened to so many young people. This is part of the reason why he passed away so quickly, a deep sense of guilt for his acts of omission, in not paying more attention to the welfare of ALL of the people, especially the most vulnerable of the populace, our women and children. Your former lord’s heart was broken by an unbearable sorrow. I am his answer to assist your world to regain its balance, as I survived for a decade at the hands of the enemy and survived. I KNOW the frequency of the Enemy of man. They cannot hide from me or my agents. I will add – if anyone of YOU, gentlemen, has the

least bit of sympathy with what Lord Michael was doing, I will find YOU out, too, and you will regret it. I hold within no sense of mercy towards those who violate the rights of others by kidnapping, raping, murdering, or selling them to cruel off-world masters… like I was going to be when I was 14 years old. Anyone who has been missed up until this time, will be found out and prosecuted to the limits of the law, including execution or life imprisonment if they are not implanted. You have been warned.”

As Raphael spoke, Commander Monteras and the Eagles were surveying the crowd for reactions, making note of anyone who betrayed the least bit unease at the severity of Raphael’s speech. There were actually about five individuals who stood out. All of these men were brought under custody to Raphael later for scanning. With his sensitivities, it was determined that these men had willingly participated in some of the blood rites put on by Lord Michael in secret locations outside of the city. They were not implanted, so by law, they could not be immediately executed, but would be held for trial for their crimes against humanity. If found guilty, they could then be executed, and their properties confiscated if there was no other family members. Then, if there were family connected to these individuals, all of the members would also have to undergo deep scans to determine whether or not they were aware of what their fathers were doing or were in some way involved themselves. It was a complex matter and would take time to sort out the extent of penetration of the dark into the society of the Airian capital.

Realizing the severity of the situation, Raphael called Adrigus and asked for Command troops to take over the policing of the city until all the scans could be completed and to ease the burden on the city and palace guards. He knew it was a shock to the general populace and especially to the wealthy and influential men he had addressed at the council meeting. They were also guilty of acts of omission – turning a blind eye to the suffering of their own people during the decades that Lord Michael Kadish and his cronies had been cooperating with enemy forces.

Commander Adrigus knew, based on what he had discovered, that Raphael was in the midst of orchestrating a deep purge on the darkness that still existed within the hearts of the people of Airus, whether they were victims or participated in victimizing their own people. As a result, Adrigus sent Commander Ungar to take command of the warrior squads that would be handling the major amount of security during this purge. 

The process of purging the great city went on for months until the last man had been discovered, scanned, tried, and prosecuted. Several of those who had been involved in Lord Michael’s crimes gave recorded confessions, after which they were executed. All of the men were tried by citizens of Ostta, regular citizens, not lords. Raphael wanted the people to know the reality of the depths of depravity to which some of their ‘leaders’ had fallen. The families of these individuals were also scanned. It was discovered that many of the children of these individuals had been abused by their own fathers. These children, many who were now grown men or women, were to be given healing sessions for their emotional, mental, and in some cases, physical injuries taken from the abuse.

In the weeks after the final man had been tried, convicted, and executed or imprisoned for life, Raphael held several weeks of meditation sessions in the great Ompedium Temple, with Lady Abbagail presiding, along with his own elder daughter, Lady Arianna, assisting. During the sessions, Lord Raphael was overlighted by the Oversoul of Lord Aeolus and his own Higher Self. These great Beings sent through Raphael and the priestesses healing energies to assist the people in attendance to find forgiveness in their hearts for all the wrongs that had been perpetuated by some of the former leading citizens of the great city. Raphael himself said nothing but allowed the priestesses to guide the citizens in prayer, meditation, and songs, to renew their love for themselves, for each other and their home world.

During the sessions, many of the citizens felt tears falling down their faces and a great sense of peace enter into their hearts. As news of the healing sessions traveled through the city, more people attended until three sessions per day were offered. Lord Raphael could not attend all of these, but the great Beings continued to work through the priestesses in ministering to the citizens.

Like Master Mantos had suggested, about two months into the regency, Lady Martina did produce a name and an individual who suited the needs of the palace magnificently. The young man was named Erin Kadish, a distant cousin of her mate. Raised in the countryside, his family ran a large inn for travelers. Erin had learned the ins and outs of his family business as a boy and proved to be extremely organized. Since attending university, he had worked his way up through the inns and restaurants in the city and then came to the notice of wealthy clientele who requested his services to organize their households and to put on events. When Raphael mentioned he was looking for a steward for the palace, Lady Martina put forth Erin’s name. The young man was interviewed by a panel of men including Lord Pietro, Lord Da’vid, Raphael, Charles Mantos, and Commander Monteras.

After speaking with Erin Kadish at length, Raphael decided to hire him on the spot and put the man to work reorganizing the palace staff from the cleaning staff on up. Within four months, the palace was well-run, efficient, adequately manned, with full-time, live-in staff. For Raphael, there was a definite easing of the burden from organizing things and making sure things were done. The staff under the direction of Master Erin was discrete, thoughtful, reliable, and cheerful. 

A widowed lady who was an excellent seamstress and housekeeper, Mistress Melissa, became the personal assistant for Lady Lorenna, seeing to her wardrobe, dressing the boys… or at least choosing their clothes, ordering new shoes for growing feet and new clothes for growing limbs, overseeing the cleaning staff, ordering meals, and arranging her lady’s schedule. While the boys were studying with Master Zang, the ladies would sit together working on sewing projects, while Mistress Melissa acquainted Lorenna with the various customs and practices of the city’s residents.

Raphael and their family still retained their original living quarters, but on the first floor of the same wing, their retainers, Mistress Melissa, and Charles Mantos, also took up residence, in order to be close at hand whenever needed. The two servants found themselves working closely with each other and eventually recognized a mutual compatibility so one day, Mistress Melissa sought out her mistress and asked if Lady Lorenna would approve her getting mated. Lorenna was a bit surprised but asked for input from Lady Martina who explained that servants were regarded as part of whatever family they served. Therefore, the mistress of the house, Lady Lorenna, could be regarded as the parent of Mistress Melissa. When she found this out, she asked Melissa who her intended was and received yet another surprise. It was Charles Mantos, the personal assistant of Lord Raphael. Having grown very fond of her assistant within a few short months, Lorenna was quite charmed and informed Raphael of the proposed betrothal.

He chuckled in response, “Well, that would solve any logistical issues when we travel. As a mated couple, Charles and Melissa could stay in the same room wherever we happen to stay. It would also guarantee our faithful retainers have someone to talk to at the end of the day when relaxing after completing their daily work tasks. Shall we hold a little ceremony here in the palace for them or would that be considered too grand?”

“I inquired of Lord Pietro for an appropriate location within the palace environs. He indicated there is a seldom-used chapel located near Lord Aeolus’ old rooms which could be cleaned up and re-consecrated for such uses. The chapel could also serve as an alternative private meditation space for you, my love, as I have been informed the rainy season will arrive shortly,” replied a very pleased Lorenna. “You won’t be able to sit in the gardens unless you want to get rained on… which might not be all that unpleasant.”

“Ah, I would like that, Lorenna. I do miss the old chapel at the VaCoupe house and my connection with the Mother Crystal there. I hope this chapel has a large crystal focus, although that is hardly necessary now that I am able to connect with the heart of the planet and its elementals,” replied a peaceful Raphael.

Lorenna smiled to see her mate looking well, happy… The difficult days that ensued after the death of Lord Aeolus had smoothed out. Raphael’s determination in bringing stability and justice to the people was paying in dividends. Now, when he went abroad with or without his family, citizens came up to greet him and thank him for the progress that was being made to restore balance to the city. 

Another step that Raphael had initiated was to start a local council, from which two representatives were chosen each year, who would attend High Council along with Lord Da’vid, who still represented Airus as its primary administrator on behalf of the Regent, Lord Raphael. Each large community was also encouraged to create their own council. The next step was to hold a grand council meeting for the entirety of the planet, with all major communities being represented. Raphael was determined that all of the citizens had a voice and participated in choosing the direction in which they wanted everything to go, whether it be when market days were held, what festivals would be presented, whether or not to dam a river or build a mine, or anything else that affected the local citizenry was to be considered. And if it took several meetings to arrive at an agreement on what would be presented at the Grand Council then it took several meetings. 

The citizens of Airus enthusiastically took to the new sense of governance, self-governance, and sovereignty for the individual communities. They loved having a say in how their world was governed. It was about granting each individual and community autonomy and at the same time learning to cooperate with one another without unduly interfering into another person’s or community’s affairs. 

Raphael brought several farming leaders from Serana to give the local people in different communities a practical perspective on how one planet had learned the value of cooperation across the broad spectrum of society. Outlying communities like Babbos especially appreciated having a voice. Where they had been ignored outright before, the leaders and representatives knew that Raphael and his team would respond when and where needed.

About six years into the Regency, young eleven-year-old Daniel decided he wanted to attend the University of Arconia for a few years before transferring to the University Ship off Medina. In Arconia, he would meet again some of his long-missed cousins and friends, including his cousin Charles Kantor-VaCoupe, son of Jychondria; Demetrius VaCoupe, son of Lord Francis; Tobias DeAires, son of Roxanee and Salaniel; and other VaCoupe cousins. To honor the occasion, Raphael decided he would deliver his son personally to Medina there to join with his cousins and to meet new members of the extended family who had been born in the years since Raphael and his family had left to live in Airus. 

After much thought, Lorenna and Raphael had decided not to try to have another child. Raphael did not want to lose another mate in childbirth. He treasured the relationship he had with his graceful mate and his two youngest sons. Meanwhile, his extended family elsewhere continued to expand with new additions: Jychondria and Rita had had another child, a little girl called Matilda. Francis and Ella also had a little girl, Marissa. Salaniel and Roxanee had another son, Mathias. Remilla and Gareth had a boy, Henri. Raphael and Lorenna were eager to meet all of the newcomers and to see their extended VaCoupe family members, as well. In Jolf, Adario and Bettina welcomed an unexpected delight, a little girl named Thomasina. And finally, Adarius and Karenna welcomed a little boy to the VaCoupe Family, Robertio. 

So, now, Raphael was officially a grandfather several times, as well as being an honorary godfather for little Mathias DeAires. He was now also older than 100 years of age, but still in good health and vitality, thanks to the constant care he received from his faithful physician, Master Mei Li Zang.

During the years since Raphael had assumed the regency on behalf of Lord Aeolus and the people of Airus, he had gained in maturity, presence, and a unique sense of style. He had not significantly changed the style for Airian men, although he preferred to wear a robe over his shirt and trousers, rather than a tight tunic. Or if he wore a tunic, it was cut up the sides nearly to the waist to allow freedom of movement. He was an active man and still exercised several days per week with Monteras and his Eagles. 

Raphael had become well-known throughout Ostta, walking through the city with his tall Eagles accompanying him, greeting citizens, visiting restaurants, shops, museums, art exhibits, colleges, garden shows, boating on the lakes, and visiting friends, which included citizens high and low. The Regent was well-loved and often accompanied by his graceful mate. Together Raphael and Lorenna became patrons of the arts, supported the local colleges, attended plays, musical performances, dances, and parties. They also supported education for any children from the city who had been orphaned. 

So, it was a mature and dignified Lord Raphael who packed his household up, including his Eagles, Monteras, Master Mei Li, Melissa, and Charles Mantos, and headed to Medina for a lengthy family visit during the Howling. After the storms had departed, Raphael would fly his son and their cousins on to Arconia. On the return flight, he and Lorenna would pause for a short three-day visit to Jolf, and then return to Medina before flying home to Ostta, again. 

By this time, Lord Pietro, and Lord Da’vid had much more experience in running the administration from Ostta. They had benefited from the additional staff that Raphael insisted on hiring, as well as the formation of the community councils. All of the decisions for running the city were no longer resting on their shoulders. So, now it was possible for Raphael and Lorenna to take a break and visit their kin. Later on, the couple hoped to also visit Maia so Lorenna could see her brother, Lord Adamos and her sister, Lady Astrig, and her brother-in-law, Roméo VaCoupe.

In the time since Raphael had become Regent of Airus, he had not visited Alyona or participated in High Council meetings. Instead, he left that task up to Lord Da’vid, as the chief administrator of Airus, plus the citizen representatives who accompanied him on the monthly trips. Raphael had come to recognize that he couldn’t do it all… and should not; others had to step up and prove their worth, too. He also knew that he was managing to hold a great deal of the energetic balance for the planet, more than most people understood, except for those who were close to him. So accustomed was he to spend time in meditation with the Oversoul of Lord Aeolus, the White Lady, and the elementals of the planet, that his own personality began to mellow out and radiate a beautiful calmness of presence that was remarked upon by those who spent much time with him. This calmness of spirit translated and affected the people with whom he worked. Raphael was now well-loved and well-accepted by his father’s people.

As The Golden Cat set down at the Medina space port, and its occupants disembarked, Raphael realized that he had changed. Somewhere along the way during the past six years, he had fallen in love with another world, Airus. As the scorching desert air hit his tender lungs, he was glad he still wore his command uniform while traveling. It was climate-controlled and made the dry heat somewhat more bearable. Still, Raphael was concerned about Lorenna and the children, Daniel and Paulos, and loaded them into a waiting viscar, along with Commander Monteras and Master Mei Li Zang. Charles and Melissa Mantos accompanied Raphael and Lorenna. The four people had become practically inseparable through the years, not unlike the relationship Lord Demetrius used to have with Master Francis Polaño. The retainers were considered a vital part of Raphael’s family. 

As the viscars traveled the short distance through the village to the VaCoupe compound, Raphael couldn’t help reminiscing a bit on the first day he arrived in Medina, a newly made orphan, accompanied by two relative strangers, Lord Demetrius, and Francis Polaño. The village had not changed much during the ensuing years, but he had. 

As the lead viscar set down in front of the golden gate leading to house and garden, the gate opened and Raphael’s beloved adopted uncle, Lord Raimundo, stepped out to greet his nephew and family. Other members of the extended family began to crowd the path leading to the great house, but Raimundo shooed them away, saying, “Later, later, everyone. Our visitors are not used to the summer heat; let them unload their luggage and come into the cool house before we greet them!”

Despite the heat, Raphael stopped to hug Raimundo and said, “Uncle…”

“All right, nephew, bring Lorenna, the boys, and everyone else inside. There is tea and refreshments waiting for you in the family room,” replied Raimundo as he extricated himself from Raphael’s embrace. Once inside, Raimundo pulled Raphael aside, letting everyone else pass into the audience room and beyond. He said, “Raphael – looking at you no one would say you have changed, but you have…”

Raphael nodded, “Yes, Uncle – I have. I won’t be returning to live on Medina. During the past six years, Airus has become my home. I have been working actively with the elementals of the planet, with the Oversoul of Lord Aeolus, and with my own Higher Self, the White Lady. On the same day I arrived in Ostta, She appeared to me and has been serving as my guide and mentor ever since. I wasn’t sure if I could assist in holding an energetic balance for Lord Aeolus, but I have and so, I have changed, softened… I just feel calmer, more centered, more myself than even after my metamorphosis so many years ago.”

“Then, nephew, this has been a good experience for you, living on the home world of your blood father?” queried Raimundo, as he gazed into those blue green eyes that were now like a reflective pond, calm and peaceful. There was a stillness about Raphael that was slightly uncanny, especially for his adoptive uncle who was more familiar with the troubled Raphael of years gone past.

As if he could read his adopted uncle’s thoughts, Raphael commented, “I am no longer the troubled teen, the confused young adult, the intensely preoccupied father, and builder of golden ships… and so on. I am Lord Raphael Kantor, Regent of the Planet of Airus, a position and title that suits me… as so I have been told by the elementals, suits them as well. The planet is healing from the wounds inflicted upon it and its people by my distant relatives, the Kadish Family. The people are learning to cooperate and work together, across the former social barriers, across the freshwater seas, and with their neighbors. Everywhere I go, whether I walk through Ostta or visit one of the outlying provinces, I am recognized and warmly welcomed. I have toured all of the continents of Airus several times and participate in the monthly great council consisting of representatives from all over Airus. And all of this has been accomplished in a relatively short period of time because the people were willing to change and at the same time embrace the concept of being uniquely identified as Airians. Uncle – in assisting the people in healing from their wounds, I have managed to heal from my own, some that I did not realize I was still keeping hidden away deep within my being. It has been a challenging but beneficial time, a time of healing for me and Lorenna, as well. We decided not to attempt to have any more children. If we want to have children around us, we can always foster some. The palace is certainly large enough. Anyway – it’s good to see you, Uncle.”

The two men made their way through the house to the family room where some of the women were making remarks about how tall both Daniel and his younger brother, Paulos, had grown. In fact, Paulos was nearly as tall as Daniel and built with a heavier frame. He would be a massive man when fully grown, bigger than Jychondria, especially if he kept growing. Daniel was built more like other Airian males, getting some of his slender height from his mother’s side. Still, he had the blonde coloring of his father, with the beautiful blue green eyes. The two boys were handsome lads.

When asked whether he would like to go to Arconia, too, Paulos shook his head. He was already studying the basics of engineering in one of the colleges in Ostta and had plans to attend the Engineering School on Elexa. After attending that school, he wanted to transfer to the Medinian University Ship. Then, he was set on spending a couple of decades onboard ships of the line learning his craft. 

Daniel was destined to be the only son of Raphael to follow in his father’s footsteps as a line communications specialist. He would be attending similar classes taken decades before by Raphael and then transfer to the Medinian University Ship. Since he was attending Arconia first, he would be able to share time with his many adopted cousins while going to school. Living on Airus had been somewhat a lonely existence for the ultra-sensitive boy, although he never complained. While Jon’dra and Paulos were close, Daniel was more of an introvert like his father. He also preferred to spend time with his father when the two of them could manage it.

As Raphael and Raimundo entered the family room, they were greeted by the many members of VaCoupe Family and friends. Lady Remilla came up to give her father a hug and brought little Sarah up to reintroduce her to grandfather. Remilla wanted to foster Sarah out to her elder brother, Jychondria, so the girl could attend the girl’s school in Jolf. Ten-year-old Sarah had been tutored thus far by Master Leu Tzulo, but now she wanted to attend the beginning courses for becoming a priestess like her mother. Lady Arla had also tutored her granddaughter. 

Gareth came up, leading young Henri by his hand. The boy was about five years old and being tutored by Master Leu (who was keeping very busy!). The boy was a very handsome lad, with the blue-black hair and deep blue eyes of his sire, but a lighter complexion like his mother. 

Raphael, upon seeing his two grandchildren asked Gareth whether or not he and Remilla had visited Lord Efrem, their great-grandfather in Milan. Gareth indicated they had not – Remilla was not fond of traveling, but Gareth had taken Henri to meet his grandfather on Alyona as Lord Efrem still accompanied Lord Adamos to High Council at times.

Next, a still shy Salaniel came up to show off his two children, Mathias and Tobias, slender black-haired children with dark blue eyes, medium dark complexions, and a lively attitude. Mathias would be attending Arconia along with Daniel and his friends. Tobias was yet another student of Master Leu but in the next year or so would also be going off to Arconia. Salaniel also confessed that Roxanee was carrying again and this time they were expecting a

girl. Salaniel declared, “My lord, I have you to thank for this happiness! I have a beautiful mate and two handsome boys. I have truly begun my own family, once again!”

Finally, Lord Francis and Lady Ella brought out their children, Demetrius, and little Marissa. Demetrius was going to be tall and slender like his dark-haired sire, while little Marissa was blonde and fair, a facsimile of her beautiful mother. Demetrius gave Lord Raphael a deep bow and then, spontaneously, gave him a hug. Raphael was the closest thing Demetrius and Marissa had for a grandfather, even though he was a step-grandfather. Then, Demetrius went over to hug his cousin, Daniel. The boys had missed each other for years and were both looking forward to attending school together. Next, Demetrius went to hug his younger cousin, Paulos… who was actually slightly taller than the slender son of Francis VaCoupe.

Raphael laughed with delight to see all of the children, and said, “It would appear we have enough children to start a school! Master Leu, how are you managing?”

Master Leu gave Lord Raphael a bow and replied with a grin, “My lord, these children are a joy to work with. All of them are intelligent, curious, and eager to learn about the world… all of them! It is good to see you, my lord!”

“Thank you, Master Leu. I brought Master Mei Li with me. He has been tutoring Daniel, Paulos, and their cousin, Jon’dra. The children have also been taking classes at the local colleges,” replied Raphael. “Now, Daniel, I would suggest you take all of the children who want to go… into the study rooms so we adults can have a nice chat!”

Daniel stepped up and bowed gracefully, replying, “Yes, Father – come Demetrius, Paulos, Mathias, Tobias… Sarah and Marissa, if you want to come, too! Let’s all get reacquainted – I’ll tell you all about the great city of Ostta that our family has called home for six years…”

The covey of children wandered off, including the two little girls who were curious to learn about the ‘great city’ of Ostta. Raphael watched the departure of the children with some amusement and a little sadness, as his Daniel was soon going to go off to school abroad with his cousins and friends, leaving his mother and father behind.

Raimundo was quietly observing his nephew’s face as Raphael watched the children. He commented, “You’re going to miss Daniel, aren’t you, Nephew.”

Raphael turned to his uncle, replying, “Yes – but it is an inevitable thing, our children growing up and leaving us behind. Still, Daniel will have a much better time of it than I did as a youngster. He is intelligent, well-balanced, grounded in meditation… Did you know that sometimes he sits with me during my meditation sessions? He has conversed the Oversoul of Lord Aeolus, as well. He is quite an extraordinary young boy. Paulos is coming along, too, but the two boys are very different in their personalities. Someday, I expect Paulos will become a commander. In some ways, he reminds me a bit like my old friend, Myka Strom, whom I haven’t seen for an age.”

“Well, we have some other surprises for you, Raphael – Salaniel was able to contact Commander Adrigus and have your two sons, Dante, and Ezekiel, granted leave. Ezekiel has finally returned to the Inner Fleet and has continued acting as an Eagle Commander. Dante is still in Navigation and has finally become a 2nd Level Commander in that field. You should be proud of him, Raphael,” said Raimundo, “Proud of both of them. Then, there’s Jychondria, who continues to work with your cousin Adario Kadish, out of Elexa. He’s still a Specialty Commander, but highly cherished by his Head Commander, Strabo Diaz – who blesses the day that you took him to Jolf. Adario and Bettina are also thriving in Jolf – Are you going to manage to stop by there on your way to or from Arconia?”

“I plan to stop for a couple of days in Jolf, unless the Mathdis family and Jychondria’s decide to spend the Howlings here in Medina. It would be good to see Lord Mathdis, Lady Anna… and everyone else. I understand I have two new grandchildren in Jolf, too, if you consider me as Adarius’ stepfather,” replied Raphael with a chuckle.  “Oh, to see Ezekiel and Dante! It has been too long, Raimundo, but I was busy, really busy in Airus. There was so much to do reorganizing things there. It has been a worthwhile experience for me. I am actually enjoying the work on Airus more than I did being the Regent for the Pleiades. While I still travel a bit, it’s only on Airus. I meet with the local councils periodically to see how they are managing. The people are enjoying having more say in what happens in their own communities and certainly planet wide.”

“You’re still flying the Golden Cat, then?” asked Raimundo.

Yes, my faithful ship is still with me. I doubt if I will ever give her up until I can no longer travel and that may be a long time from now,” replied Raphael.

How so,” asked a curious Raimundo.

I’ve been told that I will live considerably longer than I was when I died in battle as Delos… I was nearly 450 years old then,” replied Raphael. He turned to Francis who was quietly listening to the conversation between uncle and nephew. “So, Francis, how does it feel to the Lord of the Pleiades these days? Are you still doing a lot of traveling?”

“Well, Father, I am certainly kept busy. I am still being mentored by some of the older lords, but generally can handle making decisions on my own, although I ask for input from experts like Commander Adrigus. By the way, Adrigus will be retiring soon. He wants to return back to the Suriya System and dandle grandsons and great-grandsons on his knees!” replied Francis with a grin.

Are any names being floated for his replacement, yet?” asked Raphael, who would be curious as Adrigus was his primary resource person in Alyona.

Well, this is a curious thing, but the name that keeps coming up is your cousin, Commander Bashar Kadish,” replied Lord Francis. “While he is in age much younger than most of the senior top commanders, Bashar has proven to be a forward thinker and skillful organizer for the Fleet. He has participated in a council that Adrigus set up years ago… something that most people aren’t even aware of existing. The other top commanders felt that it was time for someone younger to take command as there is a sense that a great deal of change is happening; someone younger will be able to adapt faster and more efficiently. So, when I checked last week with Adrigus, he told me the same thing, namely Bashar Kadish is going to be the next Supreme High Commander. He will still retain the military council to work with them when a lot of decisions have to be made and will keep me informed as to developments, as well, so I can keep the High Council members informed.”

“Well, that is a great development,” replied Raphael, who was fond of Bashar. The two men had worked closely together for a short time after the death of Lord Demetrius until Bashar was reassigned to command The Golden Dolphin when Commander Adrigus was called upon to become Lord of Alyona Castle. Bashar Kadish was a third cousin of Raphael’s, second cousin to Adario Kadish and Raphael’s deceased first mate, Lady Julia Kadish Kantor. “I hope Bashar comes to Airus for a visit, then, to celebrate with his relatives. Lord Da’vid is doing a good job now. It was a bit rough for him and Lord Pietro at first; things were in such a mess after Lord Michael Kadish got his hands on things. Da’vid’s son, Jon’dra is being trained from a young age to prepare to be his father’s heir. Jon’dra has chosen not to go into the Command but will focus more on trade and commerce between the communities and our nearby worlds like Serana and Maia. Jon’dra has been tutored alongside my sons, but all of the boys are very different in their personalities.”

Gareth asked a question, “My lord, how long do you anticipate having to hold the regency in Airus?”

“That is a good question, Gareth, but not one that I have a precise answer for today as Lord Aeolus has not yet made an appearance; that is, he hasn’t yet been reborn. It probably won’t happen for a while since he has only been gone for six years now,” replied Raphael. “And even when he is reborn, he will be a baby, have to grow up, be educated and then resume his duties when he is at least 25 years of age, if not older,” replied Raphael. “I could possibly be regent for at least 50 years total or even more, depending on when Aeolus is born and who his father turns out to be… which would be Lord Da’vid or his son, Master Jon’dra Kadish. If his father is going to be Jon’dra, then I will be Regent even longer, as the boy is only nine years of age now and will probably be mated at around 25 or more years old.”

Raphael paused to take another sip of tea and then continued, “Incidentally, Master Mei Li was asked to examine Lady Sabina just days before we left. Turns out, she is pregnant, again… while it is still early but this time, Master Mei Li believes the child will be a female, a little girl. So, the birth date of Lord Aeolus is delayed once again. Mind you, this is not a disappointment for Lord Da’vid or Lady Sabina. My mate’s niece, Sabina, was looking forward to raising a girl child.”

Gareth nodded and replied, “Remilla and I love our little Sarah, too. I enjoyed carrying her around on my shoulder when she was smaller. I’m afraid it would injure her sense of dignity if I did that now! She’s such a serious little girl. She decided last year that she has a vocation to become a priestess and has been asking us to send her to her great grandmother, Lady Anna, so she can attend the girl’s school in Jolf. We finally relented just recently. We agreed to have Jychondria foster Sarah in Jolf, so she will be joining your eldest son, Lady Rita, and their growing family.”

“Well, I guess I could also deliver little Sarah to Jolf on the way back from Arconia,” suggested Raphael, “She would have an opportunity to say good-bye to her other cousins and friends before they go to school.”

“Thank you for your suggestion, my lord, but I think I will go with Sarah and Remilla to Jolf via a shuttle. We would like to have a long visit with Lady Ann and Jychondria, too, and to see how our girl adjusts to being away from Medina,” replied Gareth.

Raphael nodded his head in approval and replied, “It would appear, Gareth, that you are taking your parenting responsibilities as seriously as you did being an Eagle. I am pleased you are showing your strengths as a concerned and involved parent of Sarah and her little brother, Henri. Is the boy going to school soon?”

“Yes… well, I guess instead of taking Sarah on a flight, you will be taking Henri as he is now old enough to attend Arconia,” replied Gareth, who as a father now understood how difficult it was when children went off to school. “Henri will want to accompany his cousins and friends. It will be good for him to be with the other boys as we do not have a suitable school or college here in Medina. Still, it is hard for me and Remilla to let our children go… so, we are planning to have yet another one!”

“Ah, another potential grandchild! I’m glad I insisted in having Master Leu stay here while the family is experiencing a baby boom!” chuckled Raphael.

Two years after Francis VaCoupe assumed the lordship of the Pleiades, Master Francis Polaño finally retired, leaving Commander Salaniel DeAires in sole charge of acting as assistant for Lord Francis and as steward for Alyona Castle. Salaniel had also hired assistants to act under his supervision as the position and its responsibilities had expanded since the days of Lord Demetrius. Raphael was aware of all that his former assistant had taken on his own shoulders and asked, “How are you doing, Salaniel, in managing the affairs for Lord Francis and the Castle?”

“Very well, my lord,” replied the slender Morovian. “Master Francis was an exacting teacher for me. And I am wise enough to realize that I could not do everything alone, so I have tapped about five of the very experienced Castle staff to act as my assistants there, especially when I accompany Lord Francis to Medina or on his numerous short tours around the Federation. Commander Adrigus has loaned an older Saber fighter, refitted out as passenger shuttle, to take us around on visits. We have use of a retired pilot, too. However, I do miss flying on the Golden Cat with you, sir.”

“Ah, so you are learning to delegate, too, eh, Salaniel? I’ve had to learn that myself. Thankfully, I have an excellent assistant in Master Charles Mantos. Hmm, just a moment, I haven’t introduced the two of you, yet!” Raphael stood up and went over to where Charles and Melissa was seated. “Come, Charles; I want to introduce you to my former assistant, Commander Salaniel DeAires!”

The slender Maian accompanied Raphael to where Salaniel was seated. Charles gave Salaniel a very precise military bow and then extended his hand, saying, “It’s an honor to meet you, Commander DeAires. I understand you used to serve at the Alyona Command Center when Raphael tapped you to become his assistant?”

Salaniel gave his replacement a smile and replied, “Yes, Master Mantos – I used to assist Lord Raphael when he was first stationed as Aide for Lord Demetrius. We worked together well, but since I was going to take over the duties for Master Polaño, I did not accompany Lord Raphael and his family when they moved to Airus. Have you worked with Lord Raphael for long, sir?”

Charles nodded and replied, “Yes. Lord Raphael hired me on the second day after he officially became Regent of Airus. We have worked well together since we understand each other’s language – both being serving commanders in the Fleet. I was also fortunate to meet my mate, Melissa, who had become the personal assistant to Lady Lorenna. Melissa and I now work as a team to see that everything runs smoothly for Lord and Lady Kantor. We really enjoy working with them and their boys. I might add, Lord Francis, it is an honor to meet you, sir!”

As he said the last remark, white blonde slender Charles gave Lord Francis a deep courtly bow. Francis grinned and replied, “You’re a Maian, aren’t you, Master Mantos?”

“Yes, my lord, but I was fostered as a child in Ostta. After I had to retire from the Fleet due to an injury, I opted to return to Ostta. There I worked for about a year with Lord Da’vid and Lord Pietro before Lord Raphael was appointed the Regent by Lord Aeolus shortly before he passed,” replied Charles. “It was a challenging time, my lord, as there were still implanted individuals present in Ostta and other regions. Commander Monteras and I assisted Lord Raphael in coordinating efforts between the Fleet and the City guards to restore order to the city and surrounding regions. Things have quieted down quite a bit since then thanks to the diligence of all the individuals who assisted us.”

“Well, I am glad to hear it, Master Mantos,” replied Lord Francis. “Father, you never complained about the troubles you walked into when you got to Airus. Why did we not hear about these things?”

Raphael grinned and replied, “To be honest, Francis, I knew you had more than enough on your plate getting adjusted to being ‘in charge’ as Lord. I had plenty of resources locally on Airus and the cooperation of Commander Adrigus in providing a couple of warrior squads from the Green Dragon mothership to aid our men in bringing to justice the enemy agents. I am awfully glad to hear that my cousin, Bashar Kadish, will be taking up the position of Lord Commander of the Alyona Castle, i.e., Supreme Commander of the Fleet. We don’t typically require outside assistance these days, but you never know. Being a Head Commander in the Fleet, even while not on active duty, has assisted me in keeping my contacts viable, which has come in very handy at times! And having Charles, here, a former fleet head commander, at my side has been a blessing.”

Commander Monteras, who was also sitting close by, remarked, “Lord Aeolus knew he needed someone like Lord Raphael, who had both experience in the Fleet, as well as being a powerful psychic, a rather unique combination of skill sets. Lord Raphael has also aided his cousins, Lord Da’vid and Lord Pietro, in completing the remapping the bureaucracy of Airus, trimming the fat, and placing the responsibilities of local communities back on their own local councils. Now, the communities are all learning to cooperate and trade with each other, giving aid when required during unexpected emergency situations. The trade relations between Airus and other worlds has improved, as well. Airus today is quite different from what it was like there when you accompanied your adopted uncle on your first tour of the Worlds, my lord.”

“Well, it is pretty obvious from this report, that you have been taking an active role in the governance of Airus unlike the former Lord Aeolus,” replied Master Leu Tzulo, who had visited Airus on the first tour like Francis VaCoupe.

Yes, I could see that much change was required and didn’t back away from getting fully involved in just about everything, Master Tzulo,” replied Raphael. “On the first day I was in Ostta, I connected with the planetary elementals and so was given a unique perspective on the outstanding issues. I also experienced some encounters with the palace guards that warned me that many details were being missed by my two cousins, who, at the time, were attempting to do nearly everything on their own. Staff needed to be added on to assist in merely running the palace, for added security, the palace guards needed to cooperate with the city guards – a lot of details were being either dropped, ignored, simply not done, a situation that was rectified and corrected with the addition of new hardworking staff, directed by Master Mantos here, and a young distant cousin, Erin Kadish, who became the Castle Steward. Since then, things work much more efficiently, at least on a local level. The local councils are still learning their roles and how to effectively communicate their needs to the Central Council. Then, Lord Da’vid and some of the community representatives attend High Council… where you may hear of some of our concerns, Francis.”

“Well, it sounds like Lord Aeolus, when he finally makes a reappearance, will inherit quite a different planet than what he left when he passed away,” remarked Raimundo.

That has been my hope and my focus, Uncle, Francis, since I became Regent. Before he passed, indeed, on the very day he first learned about the misdeeds of his brother, Lord Michael Kadish, the great heart of Lord Aeolus was broken. He knew that through his own acts of omission, that he had failed his people as their spiritual leader. It is the one reason why his physical health declined so quickly and so drastically, as he should and would have lived much longer than he was able. His example inspired me to make sure that Airus was pulled out of the mire into which it had sunk as a world. We are now working as a collective in correcting everything that should have been corrected long ago but wasn’t. So, yes, Lord Aeolus will inherit a world that is high in frequency, strong in cooperation and goodwill among all layers of society. And I will hand over the responsibility back to him as my Gift to his people,” replied Raphael, his voice trembling slightly with the passion and love he felt for his father’s people, now his people.

Raimundo patted his nephew on his shoulder and said, “Raphael, my brother would have been so proud to see you take on this challenging project and make it your own. It was a wise decision that Demetrius decided to assure that you would grow to adulthood, become a man, and be able to help others as was your own wish in coming here to the Pleiades. I would have to say that by preventing you from being returned to Airus prematurely, your life was preserved so you, could in turn, assist your father’s people.”

Raphael took a deep breath and then replied, “Thank you, Uncle, for saying aloud what has been in my heart all these years since I learned that Lord Aeolus advised Lord Demetrius not to send me to Airus. Lord Aeolus said something similar to me before he passed away. He gave me the gift of life so I might, in turn, repay him and by doing so, right all the wrongs which his own brother had committed against the people of Airus. I have fully committed to continuing this revival of life on Airus and faithfully follow the guidance given me by the Oversoul of Lord Aeolus and that of my own Higher Self, the White Lady, while using my own abilities of critical thinking, my experience as Regent of the Pleiades, and as a commander to fulfill my duties to the best of my abilities.”

“Your considerable abilities, my lord,” added Charles Mantos, with emphasis. “I used to hear rumors and stories about Lord Raphael when he was still a young commander. The men who said that he would never succeed as a commander were very wrong. A man with all the varied gifts and skills that Lord Raphael commands on a daily basis cannot be judged by the common fleet commander. I am very proud to be able to assist Lord Raphael in whatever way I can and am always amazed at what he manages to accomplish.”

Raphael smiled and simply replied, “I live to serve.”

“Thank you for your suggestion, my lord, but I think I will go with Sarah and Remilla to Jolf via a shuttle. We would like to have a long visit with Lady Ann and Jychondria, too, and to see how our girl adjusts to being away from Medina,” replied Gareth.

Raphael nodded his head in approval and replied, “It would appear, Gareth, that you are taking your parenting responsibilities as seriously as you did being an Eagle. I am pleased you are showing your strengths as a concerned and involved parent of Sarah and her little brother, Henri. Is the boy going to school soon?”

“Yes… well, I guess instead of taking Sarah on a flight, you will be taking Henri as he is now old enough to attend Arconia,” replied Gareth, who as a father now understood how difficult it was when children went off to school. “Henri will want to accompany his cousins and friends. It will be good for him to be with the other boys as we do not have a suitable school or college here in Medina. Still, it is hard for me and Remilla to let our children go… so, we are planning to have yet another one!”

“Ah, another potential grandchild! I’m glad I insisted in having Master Leu stay here while the family is experiencing a baby boom!” chuckled Raphael.

Two years after Francis VaCoupe assumed the lordship of the Pleiades, Master Francis Polaño finally retired, leaving Commander Salaniel DeAires in sole charge of acting as assistant for Lord Francis and as steward for Alyona Castle. Salaniel had also hired assistants to act under his supervision as the position and its responsibilities had expanded since the days of Lord Demetrius. Raphael was aware of all that his former assistant had taken on his own shoulders and asked, “How are you doing, Salaniel, in managing the affairs for Lord Francis and the Castle?”

“Very well, my lord,” replied the slender Morovian. “Master Francis was an exacting teacher for me. And I am wise enough to realize that I could not do everything alone, so I have tapped about five of the very experienced Castle staff to act as my assistants there, especially when I accompany Lord Francis to Medina or on his numerous short tours around the Federation. Commander Adrigus has loaned an older Saber fighter, refitted out as passenger shuttle, to take us around on visits. We have use of a retired pilot, too. However, I do miss flying on the Golden Cat with you, sir.”

“Ah, so you are learning to delegate, too, eh, Salaniel? I’ve had to learn that myself. Thankfully, I have an excellent assistant in Master Charles Mantos. Hmm, just a moment, I haven’t introduced the two of you, yet!” Raphael stood up and went over to where Charles and Melissa was seated. “Come, Charles; I want to introduce you to my former assistant, Commander Salaniel DeAires!”

The slender Maian accompanied Raphael to where Salaniel was seated. Charles gave Salaniel a very precise military bow and then extended his hand, saying, “It’s an honor to meet you, Commander DeAires. I understand you used to serve at the Alyona Command Center when Raphael tapped you to become his assistant?”

Salaniel gave his replacement a smile and replied, “Yes, Master Mantos – I used to assist Lord Raphael when he was first stationed as Aide for Lord Demetrius. We worked together well, but since I was going to take over the

duties for Master Polaño, I did not accompany Lord Raphael and his family when they moved to Airus. Have you worked with Lord Raphael for long, sir?”

Charles nodded and replied, “Yes. Lord Raphael hired me on the second day after he officially became Regent of Airus. We have worked well together since we understand each other’s language – both being serving commanders in the Fleet. I was also fortunate to meet my mate, Melissa, who had become the personal assistant to Lady Lorenna. Melissa and I now work as a team to see that everything runs smoothly for Lord and Lady Kantor. We really enjoy working with them and their boys. I might add, Lord Francis, it is an honor to meet you, sir!”

As he said the last remark, white blonde slender Charles gave Lord Francis a deep courtly bow. Francis grinned and replied, “You’re a Maian, aren’t you, Master Mantos?”

“Yes, my lord, but I was fostered as a child in Ostta. After I had to retire from the Fleet due to an injury, I opted to return to Ostta. There I worked for about a year with Lord Da’vid and Lord Pietro before Lord Raphael was appointed the Regent by Lord Aeolus shortly before he passed,” replied Charles. “It was a challenging time, my lord, as there were still implanted individuals present in Ostta and other regions. Commander Monteras and I assisted Lord Raphael in coordinating efforts between the Fleet and the City guards to restore order to the city and surrounding regions. Things have quieted down quite a bit since then thanks to the diligence of all the individuals who assisted us.”

“Well, I am glad to hear it, Master Mantos,” replied Lord Francis. “Father, you never complained about the troubles you walked into when you got to Airus. Why did we not hear about these things?”

Raphael grinned and replied, “To be honest, Francis, I knew you had more than enough on your plate getting adjusted to being ‘in charge’ as Lord. I had plenty of resources locally on Airus and the cooperation of Commander Adrigus in providing a couple of warrior squads from the Green Dragon mothership to aid our men in bringing to justice the enemy agents. I am awfully glad to hear that my cousin, Bashar Kadish, will be taking up the position of Lord Commander of the Alyona Castle, i.e., Supreme Commander of the Fleet. We don’t typically require outside assistance these days, but you never know. Being a Head Commander in the Fleet, even while not on active duty, has assisted me in keeping my contacts viable, which has come in very handy at times! And having Charles, here, a former fleet head commander, at my side has been a blessing.”

Commander Monteras, who was also sitting close by, remarked, “Lord Aeolus knew he needed someone like Lord Raphael, who had both experience in the Fleet, as well as being a powerful psychic, a rather unique combination of skill sets. Lord Raphael has also aided his cousins, Lord Da’vid and Lord Pietro, in completing the remapping the bureaucracy of Airus, trimming the fat, and placing the responsibilities of local communities back on their own local councils. Now, the communities are all learning to cooperate and trade with each other, giving aid when required during unexpected emergency situations. The trade relations between Airus and other worlds has improved, as well. Airus today is quite different from what it was like there when you accompanied your adopted uncle on your first tour of the Worlds, my lord.”

“Well, it is pretty obvious from this report, that you have been taking an active role in the governance of Airus unlike the former Lord Aeolus,” replied Master Leu Tzulo, who had visited Airus on the first tour like Francis VaCoupe.

Yes, I could see that much change was required and didn’t back away from getting fully involved in just about everything, Master Tzulo,” replied Raphael. “On the first day I was in Ostta, I connected with the planetary elementals and so was given a unique perspective on the outstanding issues. I also experienced some encounters with the palace guards that warned me that many details were being missed by my two cousins, who, at the time, were attempting to do nearly everything on their own. Staff needed to be added on to assist in merely running the palace, for added security, the palace guards needed to cooperate with the city guards – a lot of details were being either dropped, ignored, simply not done, a situation that was rectified and corrected with the addition of new hardworking staff, directed by Master Mantos here, and a young distant cousin, Erin Kadish, who became the Castle Steward. Since then, things work much more efficiently, at least on a local level. The local councils are

still learning their roles and how to effectively communicate their needs to the Central Council. Then, Lord Da’vid and some of the community representatives attend High Council… where you may hear of some of our concerns, Francis.”

“Well, it sounds like Lord Aeolus, when he finally makes a reappearance, will inherit quite a different planet than what he left when he passed away,” remarked Raimundo.

That has been my hope and my focus, Uncle, Francis, since I became Regent. Before he passed, indeed, on the very day he first learned about the misdeeds of his brother, Lord Michael Kadish, the great heart of Lord Aeolus was broken. He knew that through his own acts of omission, that he had failed his people as their spiritual leader. It is the one reason why his physical health declined so quickly and so drastically, as he should and would have lived much longer than he was able. His example inspired me to make sure that Airus was pulled out of the mire into which it had sunk as a world. We are now working as a collective in correcting everything that should have been corrected long ago but wasn’t. So, yes, Lord Aeolus will inherit a world that is high in frequency, strong in cooperation and goodwill among all layers of society. And I will hand over the responsibility back to him as my Gift to his people,” replied Raphael, his voice trembling slightly with the passion and love he felt for his father’s people, now his people.

Raimundo patted his nephew on his shoulder and said, “Raphael, my brother would have been so proud to see you take on this challenging project and make it your own. It was a wise decision that Demetrius decided to assure that you would grow to adulthood, become a man, and be able to help others as was your own wish in coming here to the Pleiades. I would have to say that by preventing you from being returned to Airus prematurely, your life was preserved so you, could in turn, assist your father’s people.”

Raphael took a deep breath and then replied, “Thank you, Uncle, for saying aloud what has been in my heart all these years since I learned that Lord Aeolus advised Lord Demetrius not to send me to Airus. Lord Aeolus said something similar to me before he passed away. He gave me the gift of life so I might, in turn, repay him and by doing so, right all the wrongs which his own brother had committed against the people of Airus. I have fully committed to continuing this revival of life on Airus and faithfully follow the guidance given me by the Oversoul of Lord Aeolus and that of my own Higher Self, the White Lady, while using my own abilities of critical thinking, my experience as Regent of the Pleiades, and as a commander to fulfill my duties to the best of my abilities.”

“Your considerable abilities, my lord,” added Charles Mantos, with emphasis. “I used to hear rumors and stories about Lord Raphael when he was still a young commander. The men who said that he would never succeed as a commander were very wrong. A man with all the varied gifts and skills that Lord Raphael commands on a daily basis cannot be judged by the common fleet commander. I am very proud to be able to assist Lord Raphael in whatever way I can and am always amazed at what he manages to accomplish.”

Raphael smiled and simply replied, “I live to serve.”

Raphael was spared from having to say more when there was a bit of a flurry at the door leading into the family room. Two sons of Lord Raphael strode through the door. Tall, broad-shouldered Ezekiel led the way, followed closely by his dark-haired younger brother, Dante. Raphael abruptly stood up and went over to hug his boys, murmuring, “Oh, my sons…” into Ezekiel’s shoulder as the tall Eagle embraced his father. 

Ezekiel had tears in his eyes as he gazed upon his father. He said, “Sorry I didn’t get ahold of you earlier, Father, but you know me…”

“I’m just glad you came back in one piece… this time, Ezekiel!” replied Raphael as he held Ezekiel at arm’s length, searching his second son’s face. Ezekiel had some scars on his face and arms, but he was in one piece. Then, Raphael released Ezekiel and turned to his handsome dark-haired third son, “Dante! Son, I’ve heard good things about you from Raimundo! You’re already a 2nd Level Commander?”

“Yes, Father… oh, it’s good to see you! I missed seeing you before you left for Airus and then had to return to my ship!” replied Dante. “Now, I understand our two younger brothers are here with you and Lady Lorenna?”

“Yes, boys – come with me,” said Raphael.  “There’s a whole crop of youngsters here now, so I’ll point out mine for you!”

“I heard they both look like you, Father; at least their coloring?” commented Ezekiel.

And where did you hear that son?” queried Raphael, curious to know Ezekiel’s sources.

Jychondria – I’ve been in touch with my older brother, sir,” confessed Ezekiel, as he followed his father towards the study rooms.

Daniel, Paulos – come meet your older brothers, Ezekiel and Dante!” Raphael called into the room. Two blonde boys responded and came up to their father. The boys both looked up at the tall strangers, but after a moment or so, Daniel murmured, “Brother…!”

Ezekiel looked a bit confused and said, “Yes, I’m your brother Ezekiel, but…”

“He means you were a Leonine member of my people when I was King Rigo, Ezekiel,” explained Raphael with a chuckle. “We are all soul mates who agreed to cross the oceans of time to be together once more. Besides looking a bit like me, Daniel carries several of my gifts. He will be training to become a Line Communications Technician in the future when he finally transfers to the University Ship… but first, he will be attending school in Arconia, joining his cousins there.”

“Well, Daniel, I see you are following in the footsteps of your father… our father,” replied Dante with a grin. “You certainly have Father’s eyes, those blue green eyes! And so do you, young Paulos. Two handsome lads, Father! Are there any more on the way?”

“No, Dante. Lady Lorenna and I are not going to attempt to have another child after Paulos. I think the shock of losing your mother, Lady Julia, has discouraged me on expanding my immediate family any further,” replied Raphael soberly. “I treasure the relationship I am enjoying with Lady Lorenna too much to endanger our joy. And if I want to surround myself with children, I can always foster some of yours! Are either of you ready to mate, Ezekiel, Dante?”

The great tall burly Eagle blushed and mumbled, “Ah, er, hmm, no, Father…”

Dante laughed and replied, “Not yet, Father; I’m still aiming to become a Head Commander. When I accomplish that goal, then I will consider getting mated. Meanwhile, I am mated to my work!”

“Well, then… I won’t have to set up any matings while I am visiting here,” said Raphael with a laugh. “The two of you are invited to visit Lorenna and me on Airus any time in the future, sons. We live in the palace. There is plenty of room for two visitors!”

“Maybe on our next leave, Father,” replied Dante. “With the Howling arrives in a few days, this is going to be the longest leave I’ve had in several years.”

“It was time, son,” replied Raphael. “Now, Daniel and Paulos, why don’t you introduce your older brothers to your cousins and little friends?”

“Yes, Father,” replied Daniel. The boy grabbed Dante’s hand and began to lead his older brother into the room. He commented, “You have pretty eyes, Dante, violet-blue, and dark curly hair… I have handsome brothers!”

The sturdy Paulos took the large hand of his elder half-brother and followed Daniel and Dante into the study, while Raphael went back to the table with the adults.

Raphael commented, “Thank you, Salaniel, and whoever else was involved in getting my two sons here to see me and to meet Daniel and Paulos. It is great to see several of my family here with me, again, after so long… including my adopted family, the VaCoupes!”

As Raphael walked back into the family room, more people entered in from the other direction. First was Jychondria, Raphael’s eldest son, carrying his little girl, Matilda, and followed close behind by young Charles and Lady Rita. Behind this group, entered in Lord Ricardo Mathdis, Lady Anna, Karenna, and Raphael’s cousin Adario Kadish carrying his daughter, Thomasina. Then, Commander Adarius VaCoupe entered the room carrying his son, Robertio Mathdis VaCoupe, followed by Lady Bettina. 

Raphael stood up and throwing his arms called, “My joy is complete! Nearly all those who I love in this world are here with me in this room today! Oh, my son, Jychondria – your other brothers are in the study room if you want to see them. First, let me kiss my newest grandchild, Matilda! And Charles, you are so tall now! My lord, Ricardo… Lady Anna, Mother! Adario, Lady Bettina… Commander Adarius, Karenna!  I am overwhelmed – this is such a gift for me to see all of you here together!”

Jychondria smiled and replied, “It’s our gift to you, Father, for the love you have given to all of us through the years and all you have contributed to our Federation. My father, Regent of Airus! Who would’ve thought that possible decades ago? I doubt if anyone in this room… save perhaps our wise Veyan physicians, would have ever dreamt of such a thing happening? Those who doubted you once, doubt you no more! I love you, Father!”

Hearing all the noise in the family room, the curious children came out. Daniel recognized his elder brother and ran out to hug him, “Connie! You’re here! Everyone is here… well, almost everyone…”

Raphael nodded and replied, “Yes, children… your mother, Lady Julia, would have been so proud to see all of you with children of your own…like I am proud right now!”

For a few minutes, it was a hug fest as all the family and friends gathered each other up into their arms. Then a laughing Raimundo shouted above the din, “Who would like some tea?”

“I…I… we would!” shouted back the laughing company. 

Raphael sat down at the table, feeling rather overcome, with joy and just a touch of sadness as he remembered those who were not with him this wondrous day… Lord Demetrius, Lady Julia, and his still-living but very busy priestess daughter, Lady Arianna. Then, he turned back and began chatting to Jychondria and Adario about their latest project in Elexa.

Lady Anna and Lorenna shared a secret smile. Adopted son and mate was now whole, healed and all was well in the world.

And now, dear friends, I am bringing this long tale to an end.  We will wrap up a few details in the Epilogue, but I have said what needed to be said as Raphael has done what he needed to do… aid his people as best he could. And he did.


Note to Readers: This is the last chapter I wrote on this long tale, ending the major writing effort on June 21, 2021. Since then, I lost the original edited version when my laptop’s hard drive crashed in February 2022, and I had to rebuild it from the files I had left on “Remembrance”, my private blog. The story has undergone some alterations, but largely remains similar to what I started out with back in the summer of 2018. Since then, I have been steadily editing the text, but I feel I have reached the end of that effort, too. It’s time to let this story go and to begin researching another one.

There is one more very short Epilogue and then this tale will have come to an end, full circle.

If you are still reading, thank you for taking the time. I would appreciate any comments from readers. This was my first attempt at writing a complete story, so be gracious.


Eliza Ayres, Author

© All Rights Reserved, Eliza Ayres, and

BOOK FOUR: Table of Contents

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